Radio Listeners in Zimbabwe Experience Life Change and Eternal Salvation Through The Tide® Ministry Programs

A new radio studio in Zimbabwe has allowed more listeners to hear about the saving grace of Jesus Christ through The Tide® (www.thetide.orgglobal radio ministry, as they also experience growth through downloadable devotionals and interact with pastors for prayer and other needs. 

“Listeners in Zimbabwe most commonly ask for prayer concerning their marriages and relationships, finances and health,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “They also contact preachers with questions if they are new believers, need doctrinal clarification or are seeking encouragement and strength in their faith walk. Our partners and pastors are thankful that more are reaching out to them for guidance and insight. This means listeners are taking what they hear over the airwaves and applying it to their lives.”

The new studio in Zimbabwe was under construction for many months, opened this past spring and was officially dedicated this summer. While the project has allowed more people to hear the Gospel, The Tide ministry began working with a church group in Zimbabwe in 1983 to produce and air a Ndebele language radio program called “Amagugu Evangeli” which means “Precious Gospel” in English. Since then, the ministry has also assisted in the production of Christian radio programs in the English and Shona languages.

These programs, as well as downloadable devotional contact available on WhatsApp, are allowing believers to build upon their relationship with their Savior, Jesus Christ:

  • “It’s a blessing to listen to your sermons. May God bless you more and broaden your wisdom spiritually. Your sermon helped quite a lot. The song ‘Angungapendule’ was so good to my heart.”—Bruno
  • “I heard the Word, and I want to repent and come to the light of God.”
  • “Man of God, I heard you on radio this morning. May you please pray for me? I am about to lose my job.”
  • My name is Fibion. I choose Jesus to be my personal and family Shepherd.”


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