College Student, Year Beard Participant Embarks on Extended Radio Broadcast for The Tide® Ministry’s Unique Initiative

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.—All year long, a group of brave men has grown their beards—no shaving allowed—for a good cause. The unique “Year Beard” challenge from The Tide® ( global radio ministry seeks to raise funds and awareness about how the ministry spreads the Gospel worldwide.

One college-aged participant, Abraham Riggin, is embarking on a final push to finish Year Beard strong by conducting a radio broadcast marathon at Lancaster Bible College, where the communication major is involved in the radio program. The Year Beard broadcast and fundraising effort will be part of his senior project. 

WHO:      The Tide Year Beard participant Abraham Riggin

WHAT:    Year Beard extended radio broadcast

WHERE: Lancaster Bible College radio station, live online at

WHEN:    2 p.m. to midnight ET, Monday, Nov. 18, 2019

                 The Tide Director of Development Mark Story, also a Year Beard participant, will be a guest on the broadcast from 2 to 3 p.m. Other guests will include “Year Beard brothers” Micah Story, an LBC faculty member, and fellow student Matt Link. 

WHY:       To create awareness and raise funds for The Tide ministry’s global efforts to spread the Gospel to listeners in all corners of the world. 

“I really like what The Tide ministry does, and every time I hear of an update, it is always so impressive to me, because I never knew there was such a style of evangelism in the world,” said Riggin, a Crisfield, Maryland, native. 

Thus far, more than $18,000 has been raised through Year Beard, which will enable The Tide ministry to purchase radio time for Gospel radio broadcasts in Asia, Africa and Europe. A motivating factor is the knowledge that for every dollar given, 20 more people worldwide can hear about Jesus. 

The Tide ministry offers audio programming in 25 heart languages spoken by millions of people in multiple regions of Albania, Bhutan, India, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Thailand and Zimbabwe, making it possible for multiple people groups to hear the Gospel in the languages they were born to speak.

Currently, The Tide ministry and Year Beard participants are in the midst of a special monthlong observation called “No Shave November,” where guys who grow goatees, a beard or even a mustache can make a shorter facial hair commitment yet still help more people learn about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. 

“The group of ‘Year Beard’ men have created so much interesting conversation and awareness this year for The Tide ministry and our world,” said Director of Development Mark Story, who initiated the project and is also a participant. “They have been able to share that The Tide ministry records, produces or broadcasts Gospel audio programming that reaches listeners across eight nations and in 25 languages. These people groups are impacted in a much greater way if they can hear about Christ in the languages they were born to speak. And the Year Beard participants have played a significant role in creating excitement about the work we have done here at The Tide ministry for nearly 75 years.”


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