The Tide® Gospel Radio Ministry Branches Out to Work with New Partners in Pakistan

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.—For nearly 75 years, The Tide® ( ministry has focused on creatively sharing the Good News of the Gospel through multiple media avenues. That mission has led The Tide ministry to offer audio programming in 25 heart languages spoken by millions of people in multiple regions of Albania, Bhutan, India, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Thailand and Zimbabwe, making it possible for multiple people groups to hear the Gospel in the languages they were born to speak.

Now, The Tide ministry is branching out yet again to work with partners to offer Gospel programming in Pakistan to an unreached people group in their own language. Plans are in progress to recruit and train media ministry teams with a goal to have a radio outreach in the language of one of four unreached people groups ready to launch by January 2020. The Tide vision is to be sharing the gospel with all four groups in their own language within the next five years.

“We’re thrilled and honored to begin working with the Pakistani Christian Recording Ministry in January 2020 for this partnership that will reach many new people for Jesus Christ in Pakistan,” said The Tide Director Don Shenk. “There are several unreached people groups throughout Pakistan, many have lower literacy but are strict about traditions. That’s why, as in every region where The Tide ministry broadcasts the hope of Christ, we will work with local partners who know the language, culture and customs.”

While the project is exciting, there have been roadblocks resulting from the unwelcome attitude of Christianity in Pakistan. In fact, Pakistan is No. 5 on Open Doors USA’s 2019 World Watch List, which tracks the top 50 countries where Christian persecution is common. A representative from Pakistani Christian Recording Ministry reported that workers have received threats from fundamentalists.

“While we know the Lord has guided this entire process as The Tide ministry begins work in Pakistan,” Shenk added, “we continuously pray for our partners and their safety.”


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