Our Response to COVID-19

With confirmed cases of Covid-19 now recorded in almost every country of the world, we are all to some degree getting swept up in the global focus on this single issue. I can’t recall anything else in my lifetime that has created such widespread uncertainty and apprehension in society, and I am extremely grateful for the hope we have in the person and work of Jesus.  God’s Word is filled with encouraging promises of His incredible love, affirmations of hope, admonitions to stand firm in our faith, and reminders that because our Almighty heavenly Father is watching over us, we do not need to live in fear.  We are grateful that as a religious organization The Tide office is currently exempt from the mandated closures, enabling us to continue the administrative tasks associated with sharing this message of hope in Christ with those who are suffering around the globe. I also want to reassure you that our ministry “boots on the ground” are committed to persevere in the face of challenges. Here, in their own word are some statements giving insight into the global radio ministry you support.

From our ministry partners

Albania has been locked down and we are told by our government not to go to work. People need special permission from the police to get out even walking. No cars are allowed. Special permission for cars as well. Most of our staff is working from home. We are broadcasting as usual. Pastor K, G and J are recording in the studio or from home being very careful.  Listener’s follow up and listeners events are stopped for unknown time. – Radio 7 Albania.

Kosova till last Saturday (3/14) was one of the few countries in Europe that did not have any case with Corona Virus. Since Saturday, we have 19 cases, all of them returned to Kosova from Italy, UK and Germany. Tonight we have two confirmed cases from Gjakova, our home town.

Almost a week ago our government closed the schools and forbid public gatherings and meetings. This immediately effected our ministry and the whole church in Kosova. 

Every church in Kosova cancelled all the public activities and also church services. We shifted to Online Church. I stay in contact with all church members, by calling them or writing them once a day and then every day I am doing online prayer meeting and devotion.

Regarding radio ministry, am using this time as much as possible to preach sermons that are encouraging and uplifting for the body of Christ but also evangelistic for the world. 

Please pray for us and our ministry, I am also part of the national church council and pray for wisdom and further steps we might need to take for the body of Christ. – Pastor J, The Tide radio minister in Kosova

Wow, things have been changing rapidly around the world in terms of COVID-19.  While governments and people are surprised and shocked by these events, it is a comfort to know that none of this is a surprise to God.  One of our regular prayers here is that believers worldwide will be bright lights shining in the darkness and champions of hope in the midst of hopelessness. Here in Thailand there has begun to be an increase in the number of cases of COVID-19 as well (though certainly not to the levels in Europe and the US).  This past week, there has been an increase the number of cases by about 30-60 per day.  The country is now up to over 300 reported cases, most of those coming during this past week.  All conferences across the country are being canceled and delayed due to the virus.  Our Isaan Christian Media network is still moving forward with printing the brochures and developing the Facebook fan page as we can still begin to use these things now to make people aware of the resources. – Kris in Thailand

As you can see, our ministry partners are adjusting to conditions so that they can continue to build God’s Kingdom in the hearts of their own people. For many who already live in tough situations and harsh environments, Covid-19 is one more potential hazard in a life of ongoing hardships, and they are desperately in need of the hope our gospel programming offers by introducing them to Jesus as their Savior. Our partners rely very heavily on the financial support provided by our generous donors. Please consider an additional financial gift to keep this vital ministry going.

We also may need to make some adaptations, primarily in how we conduct events, but we will do our best to keep you updated. For example, the “I Remember When” gatherings we have been scheduling to celebrate together what God has done throughout the past 74 years will still be held but may need to be conducted as virtual events online. Stay tuned for details on how to join the online event from the privacy and safety of your own home if that becomes necessary. 


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