Daily Devotionals find New Home on Social Media in Thailand

Everyone needs a daily dose of hope and truth from above—no matter which language they speak. Recently, The Tide ministry began sharing “Walking with God” daily devotional recordings online and via social media in Thailand. Recorded in the Isaan language, the 7- to 10-minute daily devotional is available on the social media app called “Line,” which is Japan’s largest social network that has spread into neighboring countries.

“One exciting development is that The Tide partners in Thailand are working with the New Zealand Baptists on the project to both share the cost of the Line app, as well as reach more followers,” said Don Shenk. “The following for the ‘Yang Kap Prajao,’ or ‘Walking with God,’ devotionals is growing. In fact, a local pastor in the Roiet province, as well as another in Ubon Ratchathani province, send it daily to the believers in their churches.”

Because the technology of the app allows listeners and subscribers to hear the content from anywhere, those outside Thailand are benefitting from the daily words of encouragement as well. Shenk added that a ministry partner from The Tide shared that one villager recently moved to Bangkok to live with her son after her husband passed away.

“It has been a discouraging time for her, as she is not able to attend church,” the partner reported. “She said this program provides her with strength to continue walking with God in this season of loneliness.”

For more than seven decades, The Tide ministry has recorded and broadcasted Gospel programming in eight countries on three continents in 25 heart languages spoken by millions of people in multiple regions of Albania, Bhutan, India, Kosovo, Nepal, Nigeria, Thailand and Zimbabwe. With more than 7,000 languages spoken worldwide and more than 2,000 people groups that have been unreached by the Good News of Jesus, the opportunities are tremendous.


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