From the Field

By the grace of God, we have conducted 4 Seekers Meetings in Chhattisgarh during the month of October 2019. Among the 4 meetings around 150 people were present. At each place a very inspiring Word of God was shared by one of the God’s servant among the people who were present there. After hearing God’s Word, 49 people accept-ed the Lord as their Personal Savior and committed their lives to Christ and 31 took water baptism. After the completion of the Seekers Meeting, we are regularly doing the follow-up work with them through our local workers, so that they would grow spiritually in the Lord. We hope and pray that more number of believers will be joining our local fellow-ship in the coming days.
The following Social activities we conducted in the villages of Chhattisgarh; Village Cleaning, Garden Plantation, Health Teaching, Medical Camp, Health Awareness program. We thank and praise the Lord, that by His grace, Good News Hour has been able to conduct 3 Medical Camps in the 3 different places of Chattisgarh State. All the medical camps were conducted by our local worker, Bro. P. K. in the different dates, with the help of the local social workers. By conducting these medical camps, we were able to reach more families and it also helped us to contact more people in the 3 different places of Chhattisgarh State respectively. The Medical camps were conducted during the last 3 months (October-December 2019). We hope and pray that by His grace, we will be able to reach more villages in the coming days and bring them to the Saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ and will be also joining our local fellowship.
Good News Hour has 5 ALP centers in Chhat-tisgarh. During last 3 months (October, November & December 2019) we were able to teach 105 students. Near about 23 were able to learn and write properly, not only that the local lay leaders are encouraging others to attend the ALP/Child Education centers. At present 5 ALP teachers are looking after churches. Total Churches in Chhattisgarh are now 12. All the churches are planted by GNH Radio Ministry.
Two key elements of The Tide mission are creativity and partnerships. The encouraging notes and phone calls we receive from many of you make it clear that you are more than a prayer base and source of financial support. The work described in this report is made possible because you carry it in your heart and are committed to making it happen. Thank you for joining hands with us to proclaim the hope of Christ to the lost!